Tag Archives: chocolate

Oleh – oleh dari Jogja

Liburan panjang akhir minggu kemaren, ortu took a trip to kota Gudeg a.k.a Jogja. Rencana awalnya karena pengen melepas penat kehidupan Jakarta (ciieileeee…) and pengen makan gudeg yang original taste di sana.

Tapi apa daya, berhubung dadakan and modal nekat (khas banget dech arek Suroboyo and arek Malang) jadinya kedua backpackers ini melanglang buana Jogja tanpa tujuan yang jelas. Nyampe stasiun Jogja pada celingukan mo nginep dimana n mo kemana V(^_^). Beruntunglah ada counter travel, so liburan pun berjalan mulus walau tempat tujuan ditentukan berdasarkan pengetahuan umum dasar turis lokal pada umumnya (Borobudur ma Malioboro). Gudeg yang didapet pun belum pas  di lidah soalnya hari pertama salah inceran tempat makan. Jadinya baru dapet pas hari kedua …(niat banget makan gudeg dach…hidup gudeg!!!)

Kalo inceran oleh2 beda lagi nich. Abis browsing coklat tempo2 hari, nemu satu merk coklat Jogja yang banyak diomongin orang (tapi bukan gosip lho…). Namanya Cokelat Monggo. Original product khas Jogja…. Lokasi jualnya pun unik. Ada di Mirota Batik Malioboro (deket pasar Beringharjo) yang biasa jual barang2 khas jogja. Katanya ada juga di Circle K jogja gitu. Kalo di Jakarta ada di Alun – Alun.

Packagingnya khas Indo (lha wong gambar becak, semar gitu).


Monggo bites

Monggo bites



Menurut hasil survey “chocoholic”, ini coklat buatan Indo yang serius banget. So it came on my first list. Dan rasanya emang ueeeeenak. Yang kemaren dibeliin ada caramello, dark, kacang mete ama jahe (nulisnya bener lho, emang ada jahe di dalemnya tapi kaya permen gitu).


Monggo delights

Monggo delights



So, make sure you buy it whenever u get a chance to visit Jogja (jangan lupa aku dikirimin ya….)

A new breeze


Been so long after my first attempt to write a blog. I have to say it didn’t last long because (unfortunately) lack of commitment. But I have decided to start a new one…(and hopefully be committed to it).


Since my daily routine take almost 70% of my life (one of the reason of lack commitment), I really need to take a step out from it and breath. Have a time to relax…


I don’t why but I always describe a relax time with rainy situation, a comfy couch, a cup of hot tea or chocolate milk, good snack with a stack of DVDs films that I can watch all day or just as simple as listening jazz music. Maybe because I just love rain, it’s kind a mello, but when you have a warm (and neat) house with a smell of fresh baked cookies…it just complete your day


So, I did something fun….and it’s including something with chocolate (just what a girl likes, right?)


I browsed some recipe and I decided to make…. chocolate truffle.

I found a store in South Jakarta that sale dark chocolate couveture which is based ingredients to make chocolate ganache. I also bought some juicy strawberry to be dipped in chocolate. I hope I can create my relax time by doing it…


It’s kind of messy at the 1st attempt since I don’t know how to shape the trufle unless with spoon and hand (with plastic gloves of course..). Devastated and stressed. So being smarter, I bought mellon baller to shape it at the next attempt.


Last Saturday, I successfully made these … Since rose is one of my favourite flowers, I add it to complete the package…voila!!!





Basically to make truffle, all you need are some good dark or bittersweet couveture chocolate, unsalted butter and whipping cream.I added a spoon of honey and it really turned in a great taste. Not too sweet or bitter, just perfect. Although I believe it still way too far from Piere Herme’s truffle….He’s the master!


Guess what, my lil’ sist has sent me these last week…


Valrhona Araguani Boite, Ivory White, Equatoriale Lactee


Wondering what I can do with the best chocolate ever…Valrhona.

Wait for the 2nd post.